Friday, July 1, 2011

A little intro

I've been diving further and further into fitness in the last year or so. So needless to say, I'm still learning to crawl in this life changing experience.  I respect the knowledge that others have in this sport, so criticism is always welcome. The only thing that I ask is post quality, if you have something that you disagree with in my philosophy or training, follow it with substance not the "squats suck cause they make my legs hurt."  We've all seen this, and I know that I, as well as many others don't care to read it. I try to absorb everything I read about this sport, I've been through many sites, blogs, routines, looking for the "meat" in all of it.  I feel that having a fresh face to the sport and posting on how I feel about the routine will hopefully give a better insight to beginners, like me.  I am currently trying to hammer through Dr. Mel Siff's "SuperTraining", which has opened my eyes to a lot.  I will be following "5/3/1 Powerlifting" By Jim Wendler.  I WILL NOT be posting exact routines and very detailed information on this training. I am giving my opinions on how I feel about this workout routine and the fundamentals that it's based on. Jim Wendler got this published, so pay him for his work. That being said, I hope you enjoy this blog!   Sidenote : F=M.a is something that I read in "supertraining" and it has been stuck in my head. It means Force is equal to large mass with moderate acceleration. For me, it seems to sum things up so easily yet have so much depth to it. Also, Power of strength is another pun... oh gym humor...

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