Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Fruition of Nutrition

We are told that if we want to look and feel better, we need to exercise and eat right.  Most tend to see it in this order simply for the fact that working out is easier than sticking to a diet.  Most don't hear about how many carbohydrates are needed to fuel your vital organs, how much good protein does to the body ( to the point that they STILL discover new benefits of having more protein intake to this day), and how fat intake can be good!! Diets can get to an extreme complication with an exact daily macro nutrient breakdown so that your body gets what is needed down to the gram, to something like weight watchers where you can pretty much eat whatever the hell you want as long as you stay in your "points".  What diet is right for you ? That is something that only you can truly figure out.  You are the person that knows your body the best. You know what you digest better and what makes you feel like you put on a weight vest! Go from the general things and hone it to your body. Meats, fish, poultry, veggies, fruits, complex carbohydrates like brown rice, potatoes, etc.. Make a healthy meal, WRITE IT DOWN! record everything that you eat, drink, lift, how you tied your shoes... you get the point.  Documenting all of this gives you that traceability on your foods and the effect they have on your body. Eat healthy but don't hate your life doing it.  There are a lot of great recipes out there that are very healthy and taste delicious.  Eat better to feel better!

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