Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fast, EASY way to lose (insert ridiculously high number)lbs in 30 days!

I was walking through Wal-Mart last night, and noticed yet another 'lose fat fast' pill stand in the middle of the walkway. If you want to lose 30lbs in a week, go get a leg cut off. Nothing in life is free, you will get what you give. Eating better doesn't necessarily mean eating less! A lot of people will do crazy things to lose weight, one that got my gullet jiggling was a girl that eats ice cubes and celery for a few days before an event. Celery and ice cubes ?! Celery is one of the few foods that have "negative" calories, meaning that it takes more calories processing celery than what the caloric value of celery is. As far as the ice goes... it will turn back into a liquid, just because you have to chew it doesn't mean it's different than water. At least she's staying hydrated! If you want to lose the weight, it takes time. It's not easy. Do your cardio, do your weight training (yes weight training applies to the ladies too! your body isn't designed to make you look like female bodybuilders so don't be afraid to lift some weights! ), eat right! Before I started dieting, McDonalds double cheeseburgers were the bread and butter of my meals. I mean they taste good and its .99 cents! And I'm a man that loves him some food, so of course I'd have a couple for a meal. I use those double cheeseburgers as my comparison to almost everything I consume. One double cheeseburger is 440 calories. So I could eat one of those for a meal, OR I could have  1/2lb grilled chicken breast, 3 cups of salad, and a cup of lowfat yogurt for around the same calories, 1/3rd of the fat, and double the protein! Now which one would you feel full off of ? For me, one cheeseburger is a slap in the face, a tease to my tummy if you will. My advice is find something that you love to eat.. that you know isn't good for you, and look up the nutrition facts on it. Compare healthier food to whatever you choose and it's an amazing catalyst to eating better.  I eat more food now at 170lbs than what I did when I was 240lbs. Put the right fuel in the engine, it will run better. Easy as that.

1 comment:

  1. That is a fact. Nothing in life is free and the American public should stop its incessant search for the magic pill that will grant them a cost free body of their dreams.
