Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The fear of the bar

Last week, I was doing flat bench and my right arm gave out just before lockout.  I managed to push the weight away from my body before it came down. After that happened I really started thinking about what happens to us mentally during and after that kind of mishap. Our body realizes that since it almost got hurt or did get hurt, to be much more cautious. To fear the bar.  Now, I was lucky because I left unscathed, but some aren't as lucky.  One thing I noticed though is that while after it I was weary of the same weight, I took my failure ( no pun intended ) and turned it to be a challenge. Something that I have to fight and work on. To get better, to be better.  Try this application in the gym, or even life.  Learn from the mistakes that are made.  Face that fear, because when you overcome it, there are few greater feelings.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. There is definitely a strength of character that has to grow along with physical strength. Going under the bar is always a calculated risk, and overcoming negative emotions, as well as using them to your advantage is key. I think I will always carry around the fear of the bench because of the day that the weight won. That doesn't mean I'll never get another PR or dominate that fear every chance I get :-)
